New app offers free support for separating parents
March 20, 2024

Separating better will equip parents with the practical information and emotional skills they need to put arrangements in place that work in the best interests of their children. The app is available to download for free now, and offers an accessible and sustainable solution to supporting parents through many of the practical steps of separation to help them to co-parent effectively.

The evidence-based app has been created by relationships experts at OnePlusOne, a leading relationship research and innovation charity, with funding from the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) ReducingParental Conflict Challenge Fund 2.

Alongside practical tools which offer help with budgeting and legal arrangements, parents can also use Separating better to create their own parenting plan, considering the different needs their children may have.

Other features include:

  • A series of specially created Work it out videos showing typical co-parenting situations and the impact of poorly handled conflict on children. The videos use Behaviour Modelling Training techniques to help parents learn better conflict management and communication skills.
  • Evidence-based articles offering expert advice on many aspects of separation and co-parenting.
  • An emotional readiness quiz to help parents reflect on where they are emotionally in their separation journey and set personal goals to help them as they progress through the app.

Verity Glasgow, CEO of OnePlusOne, said: “We hope that this new app will provide much-needed support to parents as they navigate the practical and emotional challenges that can occur with the breakdown of a parental relationship.

Separating better pulls together decades of research and expertise in supporting separating couples and equipping them with skills to resolve conflict and communicate well in order to co-parent effectively. Now, in one authoritative app, separating parents can access information to help them navigate the process of separation as smoothly as possible.

“The best interests of children have been placed at the heart of the app. During the emotional and practical turmoil of a family breakdown, children are at risk of being caught in the middle of parental conflict, and this can cause lasting damage to their development and wellbeing. Separating better will help to reduce this risk by offering parents a free, accessible resource to guide them through the process of separation and develop a healthy approach to their future parenting journey as co-parents.”

As part of this project, National Family Mediation will be offering mediation services to a small sample of parents outside of the app. Around 230 people will be randomly selected and invited to attend two free mediation sessions with their ex-partner to support their separation journey.

Sarah Hawkins, CEO of NFM said: "We are thrilled to partner with OnePlusOne on the Separating better app. This innovative app provides a valuable resource for parents, and we're proud to offer our expertise in mediation and child-inclusive mediation services to a select group of users.

“Mediation can help parents navigate complex issues like finances, child arrangements, and communication breakdowns in a safe and constructive environment. Our child-inclusive mediation services ensure the voices of children are heard and considered throughout the process, prioritising their wellbeing during this difficult time.

“We aim to empower Separating better users with the tools and support they need to reach positive agreements and build a healthy co-parenting relationship for the sake of their children.”

Separating better is now available to download from app stores. To find out more about the app, visit

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